Our Philosophy

New workout fads, green juice detoxes, suggested eating schedules, and diet trends – there is constant noise about what quick fix is right for your body. The wellness industry is interested in making money. It will not encourage you to get to know your body and reconnect with your intuition. How could they sell you on "The Next BIG THING" if you know your own body, and its individual needs? Women's intuition is a valuable tool that we rely on all the time. We call on it in times of stress, when we are protecting our children and ourselves, and when deciding if we should trust others or not.

So Why are Women so Disconnected from Their Bodies and Hormones

  • Women tend to put others first. We love this about women - but it does make it harder to listen to the signals our bodies are sending us.

    Women tend to put others first. We love this about women - but it does make it harder to listen to the signals our bodies are sending us.

  • The way we carry ourselves throughout each day influences the 50 different hormones circulating within us. Most of the time it's these hormones trying to get our attention when they are out of balance.

    The way we carry ourselves throughout each day influences the 50 different hormones circulating within us. Most of the time it's these hormones trying to get our attention when they are out of balance.

  • We think everyone else has the answer, so we just go from doctor to doctor to have someone else tell us what’s going on. We are no longer familiar with how our bodies work, and we even take medication to suppress the way we feel (headaches, anxiety, period issues, etc.). We no longer ask what those symptoms are trying to tell us.

    We think everyone else has the answer, so we just go from doctor to doctor to have someone else tell us what’s going on. We are no longer familiar with how our bodies work, and we even take medication to suppress the way we feel (headaches, anxiety, period issues, etc.). We no longer ask what those symptoms are trying to tell us.

Educating women, and re-educating, them on how to optimize their health and well-being is our mission at SHE. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to empowering women to reconnect with their bodies and intuition. 

Your journey to natural healing can be challenging, but we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. As a member of our practice community, you can expect long-term accountability and continuous inspiration to help you reach your health goals. 

In the wellness marketplace, where many “gurus” claim to be able to solve your problems, we recognize the overwhelming nature of the market. With our experienced practitioners, you will get personalized advice on diet and nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle, as well as tracking and measuring progress, so you don’t waste time, money, or effort looking for solutions. 

Our goal is to help you live a healthier, happier life.

With us, you will get real, lasting results.

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